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"Everyone Can See That You're Trying To Hide Your Bald Spot. You're Not Fooling Anyone!"

That's the voice inside your head every time you leave the house.

I hate to be blunt about it, but it's the truth.

How do I know?

Because behind closed doors in my private practice...

This is what men and women with thinning hair confess to me every single day.

I hear story after story about how hair loss ruins their sex lives, their marriages, and their confidence...

Balding man Balding man

And people are extremely sensitive about it.

For example, I could tell a patient that they've gained weight...

I could tell them that they've got bad teeth...

I could even tell them that I don't like the way they're dressed that day...

But nothing sets off an expression of panic and fear more than the words...

"You're going bald"

I get it...

Senior squinting Senior squinting

Hair loss is a desperate struggle - one you seem destined to lose.

Everything you do seems to speed it up.

Too much brushing, too much washing, too much touching...

And that's just the physical stuff...

Studies now show stress also plays a major role in male and female hair loss...

Meaning the more you worry about losing your hair...

The more it falls out!

And who doesn't worry about going bald?

Eventually you start to worry that you're worrying too much about your hair loss.

Angry man Angry man

It's enough to make you want to pull your....well....you get the point.

The way I see it is you have two options...

First, close this page right now, head into the bathroom, grab the clippers and shave it all off.

Maybe you'll learn to love it...

Maybe others won't see you as "old"..

And maybe you're one of the lucky ones who can pull off the "chrome dome" look like Jason Statham...


You could give me the next few minutes of your time and I'll show you...


What does 75% more hair growth look like?

Well, physically speaking it looks like this...

These are the results that researchers in Thailand saw....

When they gave a formula based around a single, hair sprouting nutrient to 50 men.

I'll share the details of this groundbreaking study with you in a moment...

But first just imagine how much different your life would be if you could grow 75% more hair.

It could be the difference between getting that promotion...

Or staying stuck in that dead-end job.

It could be the difference between getting respect from others...

Or constantly being ignored.

And for many people...

Woman checking hair Woman checking hair

Having more hair could be the difference between staying together or getting divorced.

It's not surprising either.

Did you know that women are 30% less likely to find a balding man attractive?*

And men are even more concerned about women losing their hair... *

With 80% of men less likely to find a balding woman attractive. *

And it gets worse than that...

Men who are bald and women who have thinning hair... *

Are seen as less successful, less likeable and less hirable. *

But, if you give me a few minutes of your time...

I'll show you exactly what these researchers used to get these stunning results...

Plus I'll also reveal to you...

  • The most important nutrient these researchers used in their studies and how you can use it too for just pennies a day!
  • Why, despite what you've been told, balding has little to do with genetics. I'll even show you men who, based on their family history, should be bald, but still grow thick luscious hair.
  • The two most common hair loss treatments and why for some people they actually speed up your hair loss!
  • How a specific grass-like nutrient can trigger a "follicle reset" that reboots your natural hair growth cycle.
  • And how and where you should be using this stunning hair loss nutrient (HINT: It's not applied directly to your scalp).

But first let me introduce myself...

Dr Holly Dr Holly

Hi, I'm Dr. Holly Lucille, and I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor.

And even though I've been on national programs like The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors...

And I've been featured on Time Magazine's ALT list as one of the top 100 influential people in the world...

Since childhood, I've been passionate about helping people transform their lives by living a healthy lifestyle.

Woman with grey hair

As the daughter of two pharmacists, I grew up with the mantra that there's a pill for almost every sickness.

But even as a child, I was troubled by this approach to health.

I always wanted to know "WHY?"

I would ask question after question hoping things would make more sense to me.

It got to the point where my parents wondered if they'd taken home the wrong baby from the hospital!

I've never stopped questioning the status quo, which is why it's so important for me to share this life-changing information with you.

I'm interested in seeking out the truth behind what's REALLY causing the biggest health problems that people face every day...

And accelerated hair loss is one of the problems I hear about most in my practice.

It hurts me to see so many patients suffer the confidence destroying effects of hair loss...

Woman with grey hair


Listen, I know that's what has brought you to this page today.

You're looking for a simple, effective and inexpensive way to start regrowing your own natural thick young looking hair.

Because having a full, healthy head of hair isn't just about looking good...

It's about feeling good too.

And anyone who has the nerve to tell you "it's what's on the inside that counts"...

Has never felt the gut wrenching depression of watching another clump of hair swirl down the drain in the morning.

The good news is you're about to discover an easy way to restore the natural, young looking thickness to each strand of hair...

Hair Hair

I'm talking about strong, healthy looking hair that you can feel and even tug on without worry.

Plus this solution doesn't require you to ever step foot in a doctor's office...

You won't need to change your diet or eating habits...

And once you see what it is ...

You'll begin to look at common hair loss treatments like shampoos and surgeries...

As downright crazy.

So now, if I may, I'd like to be the first person to tell you...

Male and female hair loss has less to do with age and genetics than you think. *

I know that's hard to believe, since that's the opposite of what every doctor has told you about your hair loss up until now.

But I'm about to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt why that's not the case.

First lets deal with the genetics question.


If your father was bald...

And his father was bald...

Then it's inevitable that you're going to be bald one day too.

That's been the common thinking for decades anyways..

But if that's the case how do you explain why the world's most famous baling family doesn't fit that same rule?

I'm talking about the Royal Family of course...

While Prince Charles and his first born share virtually the same head of hair despite being decades apart in age...

Bold man Bold man

The younger (and many would argue more handsome) prince Harry struts around with a full head of hair.

If there was such a thing as a "bald gene" then these men certainly don't pass the "look" test in this case.

But what does the science say?

Turns out it's even less clear...

In 2017, the largest male pattern baldness genetics study to date was published.

Researchers collected data from over 52,000 men. *

Their findings supported some link between baldness and genetics.

But it gets a little more complex...

They didn't just find a "baldness gene," they found over 200 of them!*

And here's the kicker...

Stressed man Stressed man

The men in the study who had the highest number of "bald genes" only experienced hair loss 50% of the time.*

So it's clear that just because your parents were bald or had thinning hair...

Does not mean that you have to suffer the same fate.

Now you might be saying to yourself that this baldness gene just hasn't "kicked-in" yet...

That as you get older you'll surely lose every strand of your hair...

But then you'd be falling into the 2nd big myth about hair loss.


We all know men and women who at one point in time, were on the fast track to baldness and thinning hair...

And yet somehow they were able to defy their age and make a stunning turn around.

How were they able to do it?

Well, some may have used hair pieces and transplants (but let's be honest, everyone in the neighborhood could tell!)...

Others may have used hair coloring or extensions to mask the thinning or patchy hair spots...

But then there's another group of people who have "figured it out".

Stunningly they've been able to halt their receding hairlines, growing bald spots, and thinning hair spots in their tracks.

Man checking hair Man checking hair

On top of that, it's as if they've been able to trigger completely new and natural hair growth in places where it seemed to be gone forever.

Based on their age, this shouldn't have been "possible"...

After call, the common theory is that you lose more hair as you age.

And that is true, but that doesn't mean age is the only factor to consider.

If that were the case than everyone you know over the age of 50 would be bald.

Need more proof?

It's not just people who are getting up there in age who have hair problems....


A study recently completed in Beijing came back with a stunning find. *

People in their 20s are going bald sooner than any generation before them! *

The study was on 4,000 university students and it found that 60 percent of the people in the study were losing significant amounts of hair. *

So it's clear that age may play less of a role in hair loss than we thought.

You can see how many people are losing hair at a younger age than ever before...

And how others who seemed "genetically destined" for baldness...

Were able to make a stunning turn around.

I'm hoping it's enough proof to finally convince you that...

You can reverse and repair hair loss no matter your family history or your age.

So what's their secret?

Well I can tell you it wasn't another shampoo or hair transplant surgery.

That's because those methods just don't work for hair loss.


Let me prove it to you...


First let's start with the shampoos and topicals.

They typically come with wild claims on the outside of the bottle...

And a mixture of harsh chemicals and side effects on the inside.

If you've ever tried one of these popular solutions then you already know what I'm talking about.

They can give you frustrating dryness that ends up as flakes on your clothes.

Some people experience redness or even "scalp itch" that's irritating or downright painful.

Shampoo bottle Shampoo bottle

And ironically, constantly scratching your head can lead to more hair falling out!

It gets worse as some of these popular shampoos are packed with so many chemicals and steroids...

They've even been known to cause weight gain.

But maybe you've told yourself this is "worth it" because they work....

No one in their right mind would pay those ungodly sums of money for shampoo if they didn't work, right?

Well, it turns out that most men would disagree with you.

Several surveys going as far back as the 90's show that many of the popular topical hair loss solutions...*

Work for less than 50% of the men who use them.*

It gets worse!

Other surveys show that 75% of men who use some of these topicals "did not experience any substantial hair regrowth." *

Applying product Applying product

In fact, many men said that the most popular of these shampoos (I can't mention the name for legal reasons)...

"Resulted in very little or no regrowth when used to stimulate regrowth in the frontal area, such as the hairline." *

Since these are the most common solutions men and women use for their hair loss...

And since it's so obvious that they don't work for most people...

It's no surprise to me that many men and women take a more extreme step as their next solution...


11,000 hair transplants were sought out by American men in 2014 alone, making it "among the most common cosmetic services" offered. *

And just let me point out that this type of surgery is purely cosmetic...

Which means no insurance company in the country would include it in their benefits.

So you're stuck paying the full cost yourself.

So when you consider that most of these treatments start at $10,000 and go up from there...

That means they MUST work right?

Again, that depends who you talk to...

50% of men surveyed after their hair transplant said they were less than happy with the results.*

bald spot bald spot

It also depends on who your surgeon is.

While it is true there are some talented surgeons out there who could make even Lex Luthor look like Bradley Cooper...

Those surgeons are usually booked out by celebrities desperate enough to pay 10 times the normal amount.

That means you'll likely be stuck with a surgeon who is less qualified and less experienced.

Meaning you'll likely end up as part of the 50% of men who weren't happy with the results.

And of course there's the big question...

Will people notice?

The short answer is: probably.

Especially if you've had a large amount of hair replaced.

So it's glaringly obvious that these two solutions...

While incredibly popular among men and women suffering from thinning hair...

Are less than effective at fixing the problem.

But I still haven't even shared with you the #1 reason why these solutions rarely get you the results you want...

It's because neither of these options address...


I'd like to explain to you what's REALLY causing your hair loss.

Now, I must admit when I tell patients this in my practice...

It's like a lightbulb goes off for them.

Suddenly they can see through all the B.S. fancy marketing...

And finally understand the real "root" of their hair loss problem.

They can immediately see why nothing they have tried in the past has worked.

So without wasting any more time, let me tell you...

The true cause of thinning hair and growing bald spots: a broken hair growth cycle. *

hair folicle hair folicle

Each and every strand of hair on your head follows a 3 step process.

First there is the GROWTH phase.

This is where your hair sprouts out of the follicle below your skin and fights its way through the surface of your skin.

It keeps growing until it's a long, fully formed strong strand of hair you can see.

But this hair only lasts for about 3 years in total time.

After that it enters the SHEDDING phase.

During this phase your follicle "lets go" of the hair itself and allows it to fall out.

This is completely natural and in fact it's what your body wants.

Yes that's right...

Your Body Wants' Your Hair To Fall Out!

...So it can begin growing new, healthy hair.

Now this is where things get really important.

Only after you've been through the SHEDDING phase, can your hair start to grow back.

That's when you enter into the REGROWTH phase.

Your follicle sprouts another hair seed and the process starts all over again.

hydration hydration

But if you're experiencing thinning hair or growing bald spots...

If you're noticing more and more hair coming out in the shower clogging up your drain...

And if your hair brush looks like the dog got into it, rather than using it yourself...

Then it's very likely that...

Something has interrupted your hair growth cycle.

If you're experiencing these hair loss frustrations then it is likely that you're "stuck" in the SHEDDING phase.

And NOTHING you do will ever solve your hair issues until you're able to push your hair follicles into that crucial REGROWTH stage.

So, how do you do that?

By triggering a process I call a "Follicle Reset".

But in order for this "Follicle Reset" to take place, you must first deal with...


It's called DHT and like it or not....

Every single man, woman and child has it running through their body right now.

If you suffer with any sort of hair loss, then it's likely you've likely already heard about DHT.

And you probably wish you could just eliminate it from your body completely.

But you see, DHT itself isn't the problem...

It's that your body is producing too much DHT.

And that is what prevents your hair from entering that crucial REGROWTH stage.

So the goal isn't to rid your body of all DHT like most hyped up marketing will tell you...

molecule molecule

The real trick is to limit how much DHT is produced in your body.

If you had no DHT at all, it would be a sign of much bigger health problems.

So instead of turning DHT into some super villain that we must avoid at all costs...

We must find the right balance.

The bottom line is...

DHT interrupts your natural hair growth cycle causing you to rapidly lose hair day after day.

Think of it like a computer getting stuck while downloading.

It started up ok...

It began downloading the file...

But then as it reached that crucial 99.99% stage...

It gets stuck and that download bar just won't budge.

If it was just one hair, it wouldn't be a problem...

But over time, as the DHT builds up and spreads to other follicles.

Eventually what started as a little harmless thinning...

Turns into entire areas of your head where you can see right down the to the scalp.

Your hair simply can't get into the REGROWTH phase.


Remember I told you about how some people were able to slow down hair loss AND trigger hair regrowth at the same time?

Well the way they were able to do that was by simply blocking DHT from causing their hair to fall out in the first place.

Then, when the DHT returns to normal levels, the hair growth cycle can continue as nature intended it to!

This can be done with a group of powerful nutrients known for their hair regrowth powers...

hand hand

They're called DHT blockers.

DHT-Blockers are effective because they do 2 things incredibly well.

First they stop hair follicles from getting stuck in that shedding stage.

Then they help with future hair growth by signaling to your follicles that it's time for that crucial REGROWTH stage to start.

In fact, DHT-Blockers are so effective that a study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, showed that 83% of men who use a DHT blocker... *

Were able to keep more of their original hair. *

And 66% of the men experienced stable and balanced REGROWTH.*

hand hand

Those are pretty great numbers when it comes to both stopping hair loss and kickstarting healthy hair regrowth. *

And of course, here's my favorite part about them...

By naturally blocking DHT you can trigger what is known as "A Follicle Reset" that could set your hair growth cycle back in motion.

The good news is that Mother Nature has already given us a powerful, safe and natural DHT Inhibitor.

It's called SAW PALMETTO.


Saw Palmetto is a natural plant that grows in southern climates.

And more and more doctors are coming around to the idea of giving SAW PALMETTO to their patients because it has the power to slow down the creation of DHT inside the body.*

Like me, they've seen the scientific proof about Saw Palmetto and it's got them extremely excited.

Let me share that proof with you now.

Take one of the first clinical studies of Saw Palmetto done in 2002 for example.

Of the patients in the study that took the Saw Palmetto formulation for 4 months...

60% were more likely to improve the growth of their hair! *


Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto

100% noticed their bald spots stopped getting bigger!

After results like those, more studies were ordered.

One of those studies revealed that after several weeks of using Saw Palmetto to treat hair loss..

Patients experienced 67% less hair loss and 35% thicker hair *

But the study that really put Saw Palmetto on the map was one done in 2004 in Thailand.

Researchers took things a step further and studied hairs on the scalp and how they reacted to Saw Palmetto... *

They took 50 men between the ages of 20 and 50, all with different levels of hair loss. *

Before the testing began they had lab assistants count the hairs on the heads of everyone involved in the study. *

Then they gave them all a nutrient combination that included Saw Palmetto and told them to take it for 4 weeks.

After just 4 weeks of taking the saw Palmetto combination patients experienced...

  • Increased hair restoration...
  • Thicker and stronger hair...
  • And an overall increased number of hair strands.
man man

But here's where things got really interesting...

The researchers came back to count the hairs on the head of the patients at week 12 and week 24.

What they found stunned them...

They noticed in some cases...

The hair count had increased by as much as 75% with Saw Palmetto!*

This was quite a remarkable find, since the patients had stopped taking the Saw Palmetto combination after week 4.

It meant that the combination was so powerful, that it continue to promote hair growth for an additional 4 months!

Previously, researchers could only find results like these with chemical compounds.

And since many of those come with dangerous side effects...

They were happy that they now potentially had an all natural solution for hair loss.

Plus, when you compare saw palmetto with other chemical based DHT blockers, it's 3 times more effective! *

Now you might be thinking "Great! It's a natural plant so I'll just plant some in the backyard!"

And I wouldn't blame you...

But I'd like to give you a quick warning...

When Saw Palmetto was used in studies to slow down hair loss...

It was typically used in a highly extracted form.

Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto

And it was used in specific doses that would be able to trigger a meaningful result.

So while you could plant it in your backyard, harvest it, chop it up and start chewing on it...

You'd likely need an entire farm of it to give you the amounts you'd need.

And I'd hate to see you go through the trouble of growing it...

Just to use a lower quality and less potent form that won't give you a result.

In order to see the same results doctors got in their studies, you'll need an extracted, pure form of it.

And as you might imagine this is much more expensive.

But in a moment I'll show you the cheapest and most affordable way to add it to your daily regimen.

But right now you might be asking yourself...

Is there an easier way to get your hands on Saw Palmetto?

It turns out there is!

In my long career as a national health practitioner...

I've been lucky enough to come across other people who are just as dedicated as me...

People who have made in their mission to bring quality health products to the market.

While many other large companies are cutting corners and taking advantage of misinformation...

There are those that take it seriously and go to painstakingly high standards to help people like you and me find natural alternatives.



PureHealth Research is an American company founded right here in the United States.

And instead of outsourcing everything like most companies...

They've built a team of experts and researchers doing great work right on American soil.

Like you and me, the people at PureHealth Research were fed up with being sick and surrounded by chemicals.

And they were fed up with watching their loved ones, family members, and friends, stricken with these illnesses and diseases.

Since their story and mission was so similar to my own...

I felt that they might be the best people to help me get an extracted, pure form of Saw Palmetto into the hands of folks like you.

So when I reached out to them, I was originally just looking for someone to point me in the right direction.

But when I told them I wanted something that was powerful enough to trigger a "follicle reset"...

scientists scientists

They came back with bad news...

Nothing like that really existed on the market in the exact form I was looking for.

At first I thought I'd have to look elsewhere to find what I needed...

But then the folks at PureHealth Research simply suggested...

"Why don't we make our own formula?"

And that's when a lightbulb went off.

With my years of experience as a natural health researcher...

I already knew EXACTLY what needed to go into a powerful yet all natural hair loss formula.

One that could give you back the youthful, thick, confidence building hair you desire...

Without costing an arm and a leg.

And since PureHealth Research had the facility to create it in...

Our partnership was born.

But, before we began I had some very specific criteria that PureHealth Research had to meet.

What were the criteria?

I wanted to make sure that every single nutrient inside this formula...

  • Had multiple clinical studies (that means on humans) from well known and respected institutions...
  • Had a high grade amount of Saw Palmetto that could make a difference my patients could see in the mirror...
  • Was completely natural so there was little chance of any side effects.
scientists scientists

I told the folks at PureHealth Research that if they could come back to me and meet all of those requirements..

Then we could move forward.

To my surprise they came back to me within weeks saying that everything I had asked for was completed.

What they created was nothing short of a hair regrowth breakthrough.

We're calling it...


REGROW- HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA, was built specifically to reinvigorate your follicles, kickstart your hair growth cycle, and give you back your youthful confidence.

In my opinion, it may just be one of the best Saw Palmetto supplements on the market.

But there's something important you need to know about Saw Palmetto...

Saw Palmetto by itself is great for restarting your hair growth cycle.

But so much more can be done to trigger a boost in your overall hair health.

I'm talking about growing thicker, younger looking hair that's yours!

Hair so strong you won't be afraid to give it a good tug...

And you won't fear sitting in the barber's chair because you know you'll have an army of fresh hair strands growing right in behind the old hair.

Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto

That's why I've broken REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA into two powerful hair growth boosting formulas.

I've taken everything I know about Saw Palmetto...

And everything PureHealth Research knows about healthy hair growth...

And turned it into two specific blends that work synergistically for faster hair growth and less hair loss.

Let me introduce them to you right now...


Obviously, this blend starts with Saw Palmetto.

You've already seen the studies and the science behind this powerful hair growth nutrient...

So, it just made good sense to pack this blend with a big serving of Saw Palmetto extract.

Then we added...

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha Extract.

I mentioned earlier that stress is becoming more and more of a factor for people worried about hair loss.

Stress can trigger more rapid pigmentation of hair which means it turns grey faster.

And stress is also known to be a reason hair falls out faster. *

That's what makes Ashwaghanha such a unique addition to this formula. *

It's been studied in humans and shows incredible stress relieving benefits throughout the body. *

Hydrolyzed Collagen Hydrolyzed Collagen

Hydrolyzed Collagen.

You've probably heard of collagen before in products for the skin.

But hydrolyzed collagen is a little different and carries several hair specific benefits.

A Japanese study found that as we age, our DNA can begin to attack some of our collagen stores in our hair follicles. *

This causes our hair to fall out more rapidly as we age. *

By boosting your collagen type 1 and type 4 levels you can help protect against this type of damage. *

In other words, collagen helps your hair by supporting it from the ground up.

  • Collagen can improve hair growth, volume and length *
  • Collagen may help to reduce hair loss
  • Collagen can help keeps your hair shiny

These are the 3 ingredients inside of the Activation Blend.

With this blend you can be confident that your follicles are equipped with the nutrients they need to keep your hair regrowth cycle working properly.

Now, we could have stopped there.

After all, activating your hair regrowth cycle is the most important part of growing (and regrowing) healthy hair as you age.

But we decided to go a little further and you'll see why when I introduce you to...


This blend starts with something called Resveratrol.

Why is resveratrol important for hair loss?

Well, remember the important role that your follicles play in the hair growth cycle?

Without them your hair strands would have nowhere to grow out of...

So obviously keeping them healthy is going to be crucial in your hair regrowth process.

Resveratrol Resveratrol

A study by the University of Hong Kong found that resveratrol increases the lifespan of the hair follicle. *

And it lowered levels of something called PDG2, which has been linked to slower levels of hair growth. *

The next ingredient we put into the Absorption Blend is called...

Black Pepper Piperine Black Pepper Piperine

Black Pepper Piperine.

Now, at first glance it might be hard to see what the specific hair benefits of piperine are.

But if you look a little closer at the science you'll find that piperine is an absorption powerhouse.

That means it increases the rate at which nutrients are absorbed into the body. *

Since we're including so many hair and follicle enhancing nutrients inside of REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA...

It just made good sense to include something like piperine to make sure these nutrients were properly absorbed into your body.

That way you get the maximum effect of everything we've put into REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA.

Finally, we also decided to add another nutrient packed with hair benefits into this blend. It's called...

Horsetail Extract.

Studies show that Horsetail extract has a beneficial impact on how collagen, nutrients and antioxidants are used by the body. *

And since we've included those things in this formula specifically for your hair health... *

It's only good science to make sure we include something that makes them work even better. *

Horsetail Extract

Remember - with these two blends you'll have everything you need to ensure that your hair regrowth cycle is working at it's best.

Plus you'll have extra absorption nutrients to ensure that you're getting the right amounts absorbed into your body.

This way you can continue to protect and grow healthy, strong and thick hair as you age.

And to be honest with these two blends, we've already gone well above and beyond most other hair loss supplements on the market.

But just as we were putting the finishing touches on this formula, I realized I almost left something out.

Researchers and scientists have been studying hair loss for generations...

man man

And since it's something that has plagued men and women since the beginning of time...

My guess is our early ancestors also did all they could to prevent hair loss as well since it was a sign of strength, health and mating.

So I think it's fair to say, as a species, we've learned a thing or two about the basics of hair loss and hair growth.

In fact, some of these things have become obvious, as have certain vitamins and nutrients known to support healthy hair.

That's why I've also developed a bonus blend to include in REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA that I'm calling...


The hair basics blend wasn't meant to "WOW" you the way Saw Palmetto does...

But it's included with a strong base of nutrients and vitamins so you've got the building blocks of strong, healthy hair you can be proud of.

The first group of vitamins inside the hair basics blend are...

Vitamin A, C and D.

One thing the research is clear on, is that a lack of these vitamins can lead to a whole host of health problems.

One of those is hair loss.

Take vitamin D for example. It's known to stimulate new and old hair follicles. *

When there isn't enough vitamin D in your system, new hair growth can be stunted, and we know what happens then! *

But Vitamin A and D are both crucial for hair health.

A lack of Vitamin A can lead to sudden hair loss...

And without enough Vitamin C, your hair strands can become less thick. *

These are literally the building blocks of good hair, and now you'll have them every time you take REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA.

biotin biotin

These are literally the building blocks of good hair, and now you'll have them every time you take REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA.


I like to think of biotin as a scalp protector. *

When you're worried about hair loss, the last thing you want to be doing is touching your hair a lot. *

And if you aren't getting enough biotin, you may experience sudden hair loss or a red rash on your scalp.*


Consider Selenium the "shine" vitamin. Selenium has been linked with better hair appearance. *

That means the shine and luster of your hair. *

Plus selenium may also have a connection to how fast our hair goes grey. *

In the end, after reviewing the science behind each and every one of the nutrients inside this Hair Basics Blend it became clear to me that I couldn't put together this formula and leave them out.

That's why we've added high quality forms of these nutrients into each and every bottle.

But there's another reason that REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA stands out amongst its competitors...


Big companies and large manufacturers always try to use their size and deep pockets to their advantage...

But you've got it ask...is that in your best interest?

They pump out hundreds of different products all with similar claims but unfortunately, they lack in the results department.

I mean, would you really be interested in ANOTHER hair loss solution right now if you had something that already did the job?

woman woman

Something that already helped you grow strong, healthy looking hair day after day?

Something that made your bald spot get smaller when you looked at it in the mirror?

Something that didn't make you turn away in horror every time you saw yourself in a picture?

Of course not!

And that's why the folks at PureHealth Research - with my guidance - have done something completely different with REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA.

All of their equipment and machinery is state of the art and uses the leading technology available.

Now, you might be thinking that doing all this extra work would cost a heck of a lot more than other supplements.

And you'd be right!

RG bottle RG bottle

Sticking to my strict guidelines to get the purest forms of the ingredients I wanted...

And then adding in the costs of their own high standards during the product creation process..

And they're easily paying several times the cost that their competitors have to pay as they cut corners.

In fact, if you were to add it all up, a single bottle of REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA should cost somewhere around $120 per bottle.

But like I mentioned, I've been helping people naturally revolutionize their health for years...

Which means I also know that people like me and you are just not going to pay that sort of price...

And we shouldn't have to!

So here's the good news, if you want to get your own supply of REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA today...

You're not going to be paying anywhere close to $120 per bottle.

Sure, they could pocket this savings to pad their bottom line like many companies do...

But since PureHealth Research is committed to providing high quality products at affordable prices..

They've decided to offer REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA at a "no brainer" price.

RG bottle

For those people on this page...

You'll have access to a special price for a single, 1 month supply of REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA for just $29.

And it doesn't stop there because if you're willing to step up today and stock up on 3 or 6 bottles, they'll knock the price down even further.

So you could end up paying as little as $22 per bottle today...

Just choose your savings option with the button below.


Listen, hair loss is a lot more than just the number of hairs you have on your head.

It's also about the health and strength of that hair.

How it looks in photos...

How it blows in the wind when you've got the car windows open...

And if it makes you look young and healthy...

Or old and sick.

Plus, a full healthy head of hair is one of the biggest, most powerful confidence boosting things I see in my practice day in and day out.

Woman Woman

When your hair isn't healthy...

Or when it's thinning near the top, or worse, when your bald spot keeps expanding...

People see you differently.

I wish it wasn't that way, but that's just how our society is.

And when the first thing people see is your fading, thinning and receding hair line...

They assume you're not as attractive, not as smart, and not as capable as the next person.

You already know this because you've experienced it for yourself.

So isn't it time to do something about it?

Something that can really make a difference from the root to the tip of each and every strand of your hair?

Ask yourself this...

Smiling man

What happens if you do NOTHING today?

Your hair will keep getting thinner and thinner until the best thing to do will be to shave it off....or get a wig.

Your hairline will keep receding until friends start calling you embarrassing names like "pipes"

Your bald spot will keep getting bigger and bigger until there's nothing left but a little hair above your ears.

And you already know the jokes and tongue-in-cheek comments will just get worse.

I don't want that for you...

And I don't want it to do what I KNOW it can do to a person's self esteem.

That's why I'm going to extra lengths to make REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA a complete no brainer for you today...


I know how hard it is to earn someone's trust today.

That's why I promise you REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA will:

  • Transform the way your hair looks from the root up.
  • Nourish your hair follicles and re-start your hair growth cycle.
  • And give you stronger, healthier looking hair you can feel and see in the mirror every day.

If REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA doesn't deliver on any of these promises....

RG bottle RG bottle

And if it fails to meet or EXCEED your expectations...

Just call the incredibly easy to talk to folks at the PureHealth Research call center.

Tell them you want your money back and they won't ask you a single question, they'll just process your refund on the spot!

It's that easy, and there's absolutely no risk to you today.

But I must warn you...


REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA is a new formula that we're making available on this page only.

In order to keep the price of it as low as possible for as long as possible, we've decided to produce it in small batches.

This way we don't have mass amounts of it laying around, taking up inventory space and costing more money.

Big companies have the capacity to do this but they almost always pass those extra costs on to you.

That just doesn't make sense to us.

So, the good news is that when you order today you know you're getting a product from a batch that was recently created...

And you're getting it at the lowest price possible.

The bad news is...

Dr Holly Dr Holly

We expect to sell out of REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA regularly.

Due to the low stocks and based on the popularity of similar products...

we know we're going to run out before the next batch is ready.

So, if you currently look below on this page and see options for 1, 3 or 6 bottles, then it means it's still in stock...

...and I suggest stocking up so you've got plenty.

Why worry about having to come back to the page to reorder bottle by bottle every month?

Especially when you know supplies could run out at any time.

But that's not all..

When you say "yes" to REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA today, I am also going to give you TWO EXTRA FREE BONUSES WORTH $39.95 EACH.

book book

The first bonus is called:

“7 Ways To Naturally Regulate Hair Loss Hormones”.

This download-only report is specifically designed to show you little daily steps you can take to protect your hair.

You already know about the hair loss hormone DHT, but there are several other environmental threats to your hair.

These threats cause hormonal imbalances that can trigger rapid hair loss for both men and women.

But once you see this presentation, you'll know exactly how to avoid them.

book book

But that's not all I'm including.

Because after reading this, you'll want to know about:

“The 5 Worst Products For Your Hair”

Our everyday household products are packed with chemicals, toxins and hidden ingredients.

For most people it seems harmless...

But for people struggling to keep every strand of hair they've got...

Avoiding these products could be the difference between healthy looking hair...

And a bald spot that just won't stop getting bigger.

In fact, if you're unclogging your shower drain more than twice a week because it's gunked up with dead hair...

Then it's likely you're using several of the products listed in this report.

You need to stop using them right now, but you won't know what they are until you read this report.

It's yours free when you order today.


Please don't ignore the facts you've discovered today...

Remember hair Loss is about more than just getting more hairs on your head.

It's about thick, strong, long lasting hair that is growing on it's own.

And that's exactly the reason that REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA has been formulated.

It's designed to help you re-start your broken hair growth cycle...

So that you can start regrowing your own natural, strong, thick and healthy hair...

While protecting the hair you still have.

And it's obvious to me that if you're still here, then you know that a change has to happen.

Dr Holly

Constantly living with the anxiety that another massive clump of hair is going to wash down the shower drain tomorrow...

Always wondering if the real reason you didn't get that promotion was because you're going bald...

And having that fear in the back of your mind that your wife or husband is secretly desiring someone who looks a little "younger".

That's no way to live!

Don't let hair loss rob you of the person that you are.

Say "YES" to REGROW - HAIR ACTIVATION FORMULA today and select one of the packages below.

payment options